3 Things Your Home Insurance Might Not Cover

Insurance is a way of life. You need it to protect your vehicle and your home. Without it, you could find yourself out thousands of dollars in repairs, if not in legal trouble for driving without insurance in place. While some people are under the impression that their insurance policy is going to cover anything that might go wrong with their home, that isn't exactly the case. To help you gain a better understanding of what might not be covered by your policy, check out some of the items below.


Not only does mold look absolutely awful, but it is also quite dangerous to your health. Many policies don't cover mold damage whatsoever, unless you have purchased the special coverage for fungi. The ones that do include it with your standard policy are going to have pretty strict limitations on it, which means you aren't going to get everything taken care of for you. The best way you can defend against bacteria is to prevent it from invading your space to begin with. Anytime you have a leaky pipe, flooding in your basement or spills, you need to do whatever it takes to get rid of the moisture right away.

Businesses in Your Home

Regardless of whether you have a business working as a website programmer and developer, traveling consultant or contractor, the main thing that you need to remember is that the majority of policies aren't going to cover any claims resulting from your business property. If someone were to slip and fall when they were coming to your home to conduct a business meeting or your office were to catch on fire, those things are all going to end up coming out of your own pocket. Make sure to ask about special coverage for your business when getting a policy.

Detached Structures

Any sheds, outbuildings or treehouses are subject to limits. Oftentimes, the amount of coverage will vary based upon what your current coverage is for your home. If you recently purchased a storage building, you might want to let your agent know so they can add additional coverage if needed.

Just because you might think you are covered, that doesn't mean all of the extras are. You are better off going over all the specifics with your agent (like those at Senella Insurance Group) and making sure you are covered for anything and everything you might have inside of your property and in the yard than you are waiting for a claim to arise and find out you aren't covered.
