Can You Claim For Theft From Your Automobile Insurer? Everything You Need To Learn

As you look for an insurance company, you may think less of theft. However, car hijacking is often a possibility. Therefore, regardless of how costly it seems, you can never assume this part of the automobile coverage policy. Losing your car to theft can be frustrating. However, with a comprehensive car coverage plan, you can easily reclaim your car through compensation. Below are some important aspects you need to learn about theft and auto insurance policies. 

Has Someone Broken into Your Car?

If you packed along a busy street and had to attend to other matters, you may be unable to keep an eye out for your vehicle. For this reason, comprehensive automobile coverage can help cover any damaged, stolen, or vandalized items. However, if your vehicle is vandalized or stolen from, you need to understand the basics and steps to get the most out of your auto insurance. 

With that in mind, start by taking clear photos of the scene from different angles. Next, note down all the items stolen from your vehicle. Then, you can file a formal complaint with the police. To help simplify the process, ensure the report is filed within the locality of the incident. When done with the police, file a formal claim to your insurer for the compensation to be processed.

What Are the Different Forms of Auto Insurance for Car Theft?

Different types of auto insurance can cover theft. Some of these include:

Comprehensive Vehicle Coverage: This coverage is crucial for car theft. Generally, this car coverage plan is expensive. However, it will compensate you in situations where your vehicle is stolen. Usually, your insurer only needs to confirm that your vehicle was stolen. 

Custom Parts and Equipment Auto Insurance: This is a special type of car coverage that only covers parts that were added to your car by the factory or manufacturer. In this case, you may not be compensated for any other parts other than those installed at the factory, like aftermarket upgrades. 

Gap Auto Insurance Coverage: This vehicle coverage covers the gap if you have a loan or lease on your vehicle. Talk to your auto insurance agent to get more information.

As you select your auto insurance company, research their past experiences with stolen vehicles. Doing this can make things easier when claiming your stolen car. It can also help you narrow down your options to the best because some companies may have more expertise and experience dealing with theft issues.

Speak to an auto insurance company, such as Del Toro Insurance, to find out more.
